Literary Life Lessons
This was not my idea. Gianfranco Lentini, the producer of the podcast that I co-host with Eve Yohalem, suggested that she and I record for you a conversation about some of the life lessons we’ve learned from books. Before I could say, “No--sorry--I can’t think of a single one,” Eve responded, “Intriguing! Let’s do it!” Which made me feel like this:

It’s a rare day that I say no to an idea endorsed by both Gianfranco and Eve, though. So I did some thinking and had that talk with Eve. And I liked it! It was fun and odd and educational! I hope you enjoy it, too. Press play on the image below to take a listen. (You’ll also find the transcript there, and links to books we mention.) You’ll get tips on hot topics like how to take a bath; how to become president of your fraternity; who not to marry; and who not to be.
In other news, I hope I’ll get to see you (virtually) this coming Sunday at 7 pm CST / 8 pm EST for "The Stores & Stories of a Southern Jewish Childhood: A Conversation with Author Julie Sternberg." I’ll speak with the executive director of the Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience about what it was like to write my latest middle-grade novel, Summer of Stolen Secrets, based on beloved places and complicated characters from my childhood. Please join us! Click here to register and get Zoom information. Stay warm, everybody! All the very best, Julie
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