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Book Recs!

I don't know about you, but I've been thinking about holiday presents earlier than usual this year. Typically I buy them at the last possible second, but these days I'm just sitting at my desk (or on the sofa) for hours on end anyway. Might as well do a little online shopping. Plus, since independent bookstores are struggling, I feel an urgent need to buy books, books, books.

My friend Eve Yohalem (a fellow children's book author and my co-host on the Book Dreams podcast--sorry if the podcast is news! I've been VERY bad about writing!) and I decided it might be fun to share some book recommendations for the holidays. We recorded a conversation suggesting books that friends and family might like. The audio is below--just press play. We've also included a transcript and links to the recommended books, in case you don't have time (roughly 10 minutes) to listen.We're hoping to do more of these recordings, which we call Book Dreams Minutes. We'll see how it goes. And we'll try to keep each one closer to a minute!

Happy holiday dreaming.

All the very best,


P.S. If you want to receive updates when we release new episodes of the Book Dreams podcast, please subscribe to the podcast newsletter (scroll to the bottom of the linked page for the subscribe box).



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