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In EVERYTHING’S CHANGED, the third book in the TOP-SECRET DIARY OF CELIE VALENTINE series, Celie must navigate the turmoil that accompanies moving to a new home, changing schools, finding new friends, and struggling to keep her old ones.


"Via first-person diary entries on ruled paper, spy notes, and sketches made over the course of just 10 days, readers get to follow along with Celie’s moral dilemmas: should she go along with the pushy Mary Majors, who seems to invite trouble wherever she goes? Should she continue to pry into her sister’s boyfriend challenges against her sister’s wishes? Can she be friends with both Mary and Charlie? Shouldn’t she tell her parents when plans change or something is unsafe? ... An urban story that explores the universal themes of integrity, trust, and respect in relationships." – Kirkus Reviews

Illustrations by Johanna Wright

© Julie Sternberg 2016

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